Chinable IP contributes to provide a comprehensive and high-quality service for patent protection. All the attorneys of Chinable IP have professional knowledge of relevant technical fields with master or higher degree in Science and Technology, and have abundant experiences as agents in the relevant technical fields, upon which they have deep insight and comprehension on the clients’ technical solutions, and can ensure to seek effectiveprotection for the invention creations and new technical achievements of the clients, thereby protecting legal rights and interests of the clients.

The services relevant to patents provided by Chinable IP mainly comprise:

• Patent applications of Invention, Utility Model and Industrial Design in China and aboard

• Patent mining, patent layout and protection suggestions for enterprises

• Substantive Examination procedure of Invention

• Reexamination and invalidation

• Special-topic search, novelty search, legal status search, invalidation search

• Administrative appeal of patent

• Patent right license and assignment

• International protection for patent rights

• Accelerating Examination procedure

• Patent forewarning

• Payment of annuity fees

• Other legal services relevant to patents

Trademark consultation

Trademark availability search

Trademark watch

Trademark registration

Trademark modification, renewal, assignment, correction

Trademark withdrawal, removal

Application for cancellation on non-use for three-consecutive-years against registered mark

Trademark license


Trademark review of refusal

Trademark opposition

Trademark invalidation

Trademark review of non-registration

Trademark review of invalidation


Trademark negotiation

Trademark lawsuit

Administrative protection for trademark

Custom protection for trademark

Copyright registration for work

Copyright registration for the computer software

Recordal of copyright contract

Recordal of assignment or exclusive license of software copyright

Modification or supplementary of software copyright

Reissuance of software copyright registration certificates

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